
Jumping Robot

designing for mechanical systems

For a class on mechanical systems, we were tasked to create a robot in a group of five that could jump the maximum height using a given gearbox and motor.

Tools and Materials:

Solidworks, MATLAB, finite element analysis, lasercutting


  • Design considerations for mechanical systems

  • Being patient with design iterations

  • FEA analysis and design for mass efficiency

Before taking on the project we were individually tasked to create a small, acrylic component that could hold up a given amount of force while being the most mass efficient. Using hand analysis, rapid prototyping, and FEA I optimized parameters that would affect both the strength and the mass efficiency of the part. For the final design, I conducted a Solidworks FEA of an assembly mimicking the testing rig for the part. I made sure to analyze the stress distribution as well as other failure modes such as buckling.


We then went on to work in a group to create the robot. The design went through two main iterations. The first jumped one foot. Through optimizing critical parameters using MATLAB and Solidworks we were able to create a second iteration that jumped four feet, which was a significant improvement. Through both iterations I focused on the graphical analysis in MATLAB and the manufacturing process of the robot. Click the link below to view the report for more detailed explanation and images.
